Simmulation of The-MAP with UEI DAQ (The-MAP : PFK's self-developmented TC-wafer temperature monitoring system) DAQ by UEI(United Electronic Industry) UEI DAQ has 3 slot, Each slot can connected with 12channel module, UEI DAQ can handle 36 channels totally. Main interface of The-MAP
< Gas Filter Solution>
Gas filers - Quartz and Stainless steel
When Gas is put into chamber,
By spreading gas flow pattern,
it reduce risk that particle inside chamber sit on the surface of wafer because of gas flow
by dispersing pattern of gas flow

by dispersing pattern of gas flow
-Gas break filter-
This Gas break filter's material is SS316 stainless

-Gas break Filter (SBI) -
Material SS316 Stainless filter
for TEL furnace
- Gas Break Filter -
(Material : Quartz)
This type of Gas filter is appropriate to
toxic or acid gas which damage stainless
pfk instruments, equipments
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