TC Wafer TC wafer can be made up for 48 TC points Minimum distance from wafer's edge to TC Point is 2mm Wafer 2", 4", 5", 6" 8", 12" Type K type(Accuracy:0.4% of reading) R type(0.25% of reading) S type(0.25% of reading) TC wire Diameter 0.127mm 0.07mm (For RTP process 0.07mm is recommendable) Connector Di sub Connector Miniconnector etc.. Max temperature : 1,10 0 ℃ Insulation material : silica sleeve(max temp:850℃), micro quartz tube(max temp: 1,100℃), Teflon (max temp: 250℃), ceramic sleeve, etc.. Lead time 2 weeks Vacuum Feed through Kapton tape will insulate and protect TC wire and Vacuum rate 10 to-7 torrcan be available. < Structure of TC Wafer > ● Wafer - SI WAFER, SIO2 filmed Wafer, Cu filmed Wafer, TiTiN filmed Wafer -GaAs wafer Sapphire wafer, Quartz wafer Glass wafer, etc ● Insulator -Ceramic fiber (250~ 850C), Quartz(850~1200C) -Teflon / Polymide(0~250C), Fiber glass(0~450) ● Connector -Mini c...